1. Ajax and accessibility

  2. The myth

    Screen-readers don't have JavaScript capability

    Not true: many screen-readers function on top of Internet Explorer

    Progressive enhancement works for JavaScript on and JavaScript off. But what about the middle ground?

  3. Generated content

    This isn't just an Ajax issue: it doesn't matter whether the generated content is coming from the server or not.

    The question is: do screen-readers "see" this content?

    The answer is: it depends. How is the screen-reader configured? What is the generated content?

  4. James Edwards

    I'm forced to conclude that, unless a way can be found to notify screen readers of updated content, Ajax techniques cannot be considered accessible, and should not be used on a production site without a truly equivalent non-script alternative being offered to users up-front.

    Ajax and Screenreaders: When Can it Work?

  5. Joe Clark

    What we can say, then, is that this Ajax application is usable by screen-reader users some of the time. They aren't totally shut out, but it isn't totally easy for them, either.

    Iceweb 2006, Reykjavík

  6. Giving focus

    element.tabindex = -1;
  7. Alerting

    You could provide a checkbox (hidden from visual browsers) that, when checked, will trigger an alert dialogue when a portion of the page is updated.

    Example: Contact details (JS) (index.php)

  8. Detecting screen readers


  9. The future?

    A Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications

    <span id="slider" class="myslider myselector2"

    What about the screen-reader manufacturers?

  10. Next...

    The Future of Ajax